April 9, 2014

Making A Difference...

 It was a long day yesterday, but we made a good difference for one
young man who walked away with a not-guilty verdict in his pocket.
 It made a difference for me, too. Upon rendering our verdict, all the jurors
were thanked for their service and presented with a certificate from the judge.
 As we left the courtroom, I glanced down at mine to find that my middle 
initial was wrong. I smiled, walked down the block to my Explorer and drove 
to meet Handsome for dinner before going home. It's not like I'll lose any sleep.

Today is devoted to a surprise party (more on that later) and a Farmer's 
Wife session at Crazy Quilters. It'll be good to get back to my normal,
creative, married life again. But, I have to admit...I'm glad to have served.


  1. Thankfully you didn't end up on a long trial. I personally like the letter S. Happy teaching and partying...

  2. While the jury I was on deliberated and found the kid not guilty, he basically confessed while we were in deliberation but it was too late. His mother screamed at us once he was pronounced "not guilty" that we had ruined any chance he ever had of getting help. It was horrible. I hope I never have to do it again....
    I'm glad your experience was so much better!


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Blessings, Donna